Reagan Smash!

US Department of Defence has released "The Pink Protocols" as part of a Freedom of Information Act package. "The Pink Protocols" were a series of contingencies for dealing with the USSR during the Cold War. Reagan's "Star Wars" program was among them, as was "Operation: Stomp!" (which is in no way related to the stage show "Stomp!"). Here we see the early stages of "Stomp!"'s development (the plan not the show). It was ultimately abandoned when Congress labeled it "silly... beyond all notion of silliness".
And those kooky Koreans... North, South, whatever, THIS is an actual part of their military training: Mud Wrestling. What the girls don't know is that it's not actually mud.

That's right, they're girls. Mud wrestling. As part of miltary training. Never let ANYONE tell you that we don't miss out on stuff in the 'Free World'.
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