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Before we go too much further I just want to point out that while I join with men everywhere in the appreciation of breasts, it's not my intention to turn this into some smut-job boob blog. Keep that in mind as I present today's topic, the plunge-bra.
Apparently this new bra has been designed using the same technology we could have been using to introduce and maintain peace in the middle east. It's good to see we didn't let quaint notions like human rights get in the way of a great cleavage top. I shudder to think what could be unleashed if Global Terror paired the aBRAcadaBRA with the 'shrug'.

However, Global Terror (I like the name, so sue me) has chosen another avenue in it's pursuit of denying the West of basic lifestyle options, like hydrating on a flight. They've recruited the half-brother of some British model that no-one's heard about. They're the children of a British Tory that no-one has heard of. And that's how you keep terror in the minds of the public: use d-grade celebrities as role models. Global Terror needs to take a leaf out of Scientology's book (NOT Dianetics); find a genuine celebrity to be the spokesman. Boy George has been available since he finished his trash-talk tour of New York's streets (seriously). Or maybe that guy who played Doogie Howser, MD.

Finally, Amanda Vanstone has found herself in the news again for saying something stupid. The Minister for Immigration claims that no Afghan refugees returned home involuntraily. They were offered $2000 each or $10000 for a family to be repatriated after the fall of the Taliban regime. And why wouldn't they? It's not like they faced the prospect of being killed if they returned.
Vanstone: Pure Evil
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