On Tuesday, I posted this statement: "A fireman who may be sacked after being filmed going for a spin in a clothes drier." What the hell was I thinking? My journalism lecturer would shoot me if she ever read that! Sorry LSB!
ANYHOO, it should have read: "Here's a fireman who may be sacked after going for a spin in a clothes drier." So I hang my head in shame, resisting the urge to edit the original post. Thanks to Khat for pointing out my mistake.

Elsewhere, the Fuzz have foiled a terrorist plot involving planes and Americans and Muslims. I know, I know, no-one has actually come out and said the suspects were Muslims, but they had strong connections with Pakistan and wanted to attack Britain and the US. I'm not one for racial profiling, but if they're not Muslims, I'll eat my hat. And you Jihadists out there who would wish me ill, just remember that my God is bigger than your god. So there.

On the subject of childishness, let's have a look at the Feral Gummint. John Howard has been responding to every Labour attack on interest rates with "yeah, but at least they're not at 17%". 17% being, of course, the highest interest rate under a Labour government (under Keating). Thankfully Wayne Swan pointed out that the Liberals have another record. Not only do they have the two longest serving PMs under their belts, but they also hold the ALL TIME RECORD for interest rates, a huge 21% (under a treasurer named Howard). And would Howard say sorry for misleading parliament? Never ever.
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