The World Today

A fireman who may be sacked after being filmed going for a spin in a clothes drier. British Fire Department officials are devastated they didn't think of it first. The endangered worker in question cliamed he wanted to fly on Richard Branson's Virgin Space Shuttle, and wanted to get some practice in.
Sure, it's a great gag for when it's you, your mates and [quite] a few beers... but not such a tops idea if you're in uniform (leading to repercussions at work) or there's a camera around (leading to a video of yourself being stupid played all around the world).
But really, should it be a dismissable offence? Maybe some counselling (several hours of "Say it with me: I will not be an idiot on camera") and a good ol' slap on the wrist (though international anti-fame may be enough) - but why lose a potentially good fireman for something you could easily get 999 of 1000 Australian yobs to agree to in a second?
Steve, I'm disappointed in you. So is Lynette Sheridan-Burns. Look at the first sentence in your post. Now hang your head in shame.
In other comments, this is related to the case of a Perth man who was charged with GBH (or similar) after babysitting his girlfriend's 1 year old daughter. She got her clothes wet, and instead of changing her like any sane person would do, he put her in the dryer!!
The poor child suffered severe bruising, concussion and burns.
Fireman - ok. He was a grown up and could choose for himself. And he was less likely to get bumped around too. However, if he thinks getting fired is bad, wait until WorkCover (or whatever they call English OH&S) gets on his case...
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