Go Spidey Go!

A Frenchman who calls himself "Spiderman" scaled a 38 storey skyscraper in Barcelona.
Dressed in black, Alain Robert climbed the Agbar Towers, one of Barcelona's highest buildings.
The 144 metre building, designed by French architect Jean Nouvel, resembles an enormous missile and is covered with a facade of glass. More than 4400 window openings are cut out of the structural concrete.
Robert, renowned for climbing without ropes or other equipment, scaled the world's tallest building - Taipei 101 - in December 2004. The 511 metre building is in Taiwan.
He has also climbed the Sydney Tower and Sydney Opera House, Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Empire State Building in New York.
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