Do It For Your Country

Forget family relationship centres. A Melbourne fashion retailer has come up with a far racier suggestion for lowering Australian divorce rates: lingerie subsidies.
The managing director of Leethal Fashion Accessories, Gail Lee, says the bonds of marriage should be reinforced with satin, lace and a truckload of Federal Government cash.
Ms Lee has called on the Federal Government to subsidise half the cost of sexy undergarments as a way to spice up a flagging marriage and dissuade wayward partners from straying.
"I honestly believe that a little bit of fashion glamour in the bedroom at home - or in the kitchen - can only help promote bonding and attractiveness and attention between partners," she said.
The subsidy could easily be introduced with minor changes to tax laws or by making lingerie purchases tax deductible, she said.
Ms Lee denied her plan was a publicity stunt, saying her company did not sell lingerie. She also downplayed the potential for mistresses to benefit from tax breaks.
Her novel idea came about after discussing Australia's divorce rate with friends. Close to four in 10 Australian marriages end in divorce.
She said she planned to write to the Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello, who two years ago famously urged couples to get on with the job of raising the nation's birthrate.
"You go home and do your patriotic duty tonight," Mr Costello said after announcing the federal budget baby bonus in 2004.
"You should have one for your husband, one for your wife, and one for your country," he said.
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