Slightly Disturbing

There's been a lot said about the negative impact that models can have on teenage girls, but what about the girls who are models? The young (and I do mean young, she's only 13) girl pictured here is Shelby Kelly from the mid-north coast of New South Wales. Shelby will be competing in a modelling competition in Shanghai with the hopes of scoring a career on the catwalk.
We know that being a child star can be harmful to you, but they're not being asked to pose in a suggestive manner. If you're an adult and want to do that, fine, but Shelby's only 13.
I know that the Political Correctness Police will probably have a go at me, but a 13 year old girl should not wear a see-through top or open her shirt like this.
THIRTEEN????? She's THIRTEEN??? Somebody get me her mother, then her father, then her big brothers so I can give them all a talking to.
While I have absolutely no truck with peadophiles, with the way people are dressing little girls these days is it any wonder that they (peadophiles) find it hard to control themselves?
When I was pregnant and Ben and I went shopping we would constantly be saying to each other as we passed various scantily clad four-year-olds: "If we have a girl... she's never going out in public like that."
It's like underware companies marketing g-strings at tweens. (That's 8-13 year olds, kids). What drugs are they on?
Ahem. I appear to be ranting.
I'd better take my soapbox somewhere else...
Ok. She needs to be slapped.
But the real issue is the industry in general. Without a serious correction of the women wearing really nothing group, girls will continue to follow in their footsteps. The whole thing is a corrupted industry.
uh huh. 13. i always had a problem with that bit in the 'vagina monolgues' where the girl talks about her skimpy clothes being hers and no-one elses. lets see... looks like a tart, behaves like a tart, must be a tart!
i have no time for rapists and paedophiles, but you can't tell me that they're not sometimes encouraged. we're all too keen to pass responsibility for our actions to someone else. Save me Dr Phil!
Hey Dude, how informed are you on current affairs???? I have heard through the grapevine in Newcastle that Shelby Kelly is representing Australia in Shanghai.... making Novacastrians very proud. She may be the next Jennifer Hawkins from Newcastle. Its just like the Jennifer Hawkins photos when she exposed her underwear. I see that you downloaded the images from a website called
nice one, see I'M a novocastrian, and i'm not proud. so's khat, and neither is she. SHE'S THIRTEEN! and as for topicality, i called that this would be an issue two weeks ago, and now the FUZZ are beating it up as an issue.
long story short, it's wrong to parade our children and tell them they must be sexy to fit in. it robs them of a childhood. and if you think it's a good thing, perhaps you should see someone before paedophilia sets in.
and yes, i got those photos from that website. so either you were researching the story too, or you were trawling the web for pictures of young teens. of course i went to the source, thats what a JOURNALIST does.
I totally agree you prehistoric wanker!!!
Those girls would earn more in an eye blink than you would do in all the hours of pretending to be a Journalist and the time spent wanking off to photos you claim to disapprove of??? I question your integrity Mr Journalist!?
Anyway; what makes your warped mind believe that i am male?
Take off your Newcastle Knights juersey and start looking past the Hamilton Station gates; there is a 'Bigger',more pleasing world with broader diverse cultures that approve nudity that does not link this topic to any offensive displays of the human body.
What is wrong with your naked body? Are you that offensive?
anonymous, you've just made a fool of yourself in front of complete strangers. your comments are still here because i don't believe in censorship. if you want to be nasty again i'll respond in kind.
Wow. Just when you think inbreeding crack whores cant produce a person with less smarts than your average Jerry Springer guest some fuckwit comes along and proves you wrong.
Anonymous your a Tool (worthy of a capital T).
Sure those girls earn lots of money, thats really the problem. The fact that our society is so warped that a scantily clad 13 year old is able to help sell some shitty product to the masses is terrible. I am also far from proud of my home town for producing people who think that letting their daughter show some tit is a good way to make money, its disgraceful.
Secondly, its not the issue of nudity that is offensive, everyone should be proud of their body. Those photos that have been posted are meant to look sexy and I dont think its right for thirteen year olds to be sexually suggestive and I think you would be hard pressed to find a well adjusted person that does.
P.S muddfx is a moral and upstanding citizen, Im sure he is able to find perfectly legal 'mature age' women going at it to help him punch out a couple of knuckle children
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