Revelations Of Aussie Stupidity

Photo: AFP
September 5, 2006 - 4:19PM
Steve Irwin had such a profound impact on children that many parents believe his tragic death will be a landmark for kids in the way the deaths of John F Kennedy and Princess Diana were for adults.
Many younger Australians were grieving for the Crocodile Hunter as if they had lost a member of their own family, parents say.
"This guy has been in our lounge room for years," said one Sydney mother who has been consoling her tearful primary schooler since breaking the news the TV wildlife enthusiast had died after a stingray barb punctured his chest while filming off the Queensland coast.
She said her nine-year-old son Louis had repeatedly asked, "Is he really dead?" and then cried throughout the evening.
"He knows everything about the Crocodile Hunter, his wife Terri and their kids," said mother Maureen.
"It sounds corny, but he feels he does know the family.
"He has watched all the Crocodile Hunter DVDs again and again.
"He went to a school dress-up dance as the Crocodile Hunter, with little grubs sewn on his shirt.
"He wants to be a Crocodile Hunter when he grows up.
"He cried in the bath holding on to a toy crocodile.
"This is like JFK for kids, or Princess Diana - a young, popular person suddenly snatched away."
Daniel, 11, asked: "Why did it have to be Steve Irwin? Why couldn't it be someone older like Sean Connery?"

JFK: Statesman, peacemaker, got with Marilyn Monroe
5 Comments:,,1865124,00.html
Worth a read, stupid crazy woman talk always is.
taking the piss out of the catholic chuhrch AND dead guys...
news in breif paradoxically reaches new lows.
Its so funny when people die...right? RIGHT? or...was that of those two for sure.
The Cathlolic Church. They just leave themselves so open for attack. They make their money by advertising the fact that a being, that no one else can see, speaks to them and tells them what to do. This is all based on a book that has been rewritten more times than anyone that is part of the church cares to count. Not to mention the paedophilia, the countless people that have been killed in the name of the church and God, massive wealth that the church has amassed that could be going towards useful cause such as food, medicine, clothing and shelter for those that need it and God only knows what else. I can't speak for anyone else, but when the Catholic Church starts living up to the values they are peddling I'll stop giving them shit.
As for respecting the dead, I don't think that Steve said anything derogatory about the dead. He called Sean Connery 'old' and hey whaddya know he is 76 years old. That's certainly not young.
We are all going to die, its a fact, the least we can do is have a sense of humour about it, I sincerely hope that I can leave with one final joke.
Oh, by the way Steve, "got with Marilyn Monroe" is kind of redundant
dude, it's marilyn monroe. she was a SMOKIN HOTTIE!
hey hey, tragedy+time=comedy
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