Peter Jackson Butchers Classic

Okay, so it's not NEWS, strictly speaking. He mangaged to mangle LOTR e few years back. But now, with the upcoming production of "Dambusters" it looks like history DOES repeat.
The issue is with the name of a dog. In reality, and the 1954 film, the dog was called 'nigger'. This was important because it became a codeword during the night raids of Nazi Germany's industrial areas. Jackson is concerned that if he uses the name he'll offend people, and if not he'll be accused of destroying a classic.
Don't worry Peter. We already know you butchered cinema greats and literary giants. We'll only complain when 'Darnbusters' is produced by SMOKING CAUSES LUNG DISEASE and revolves around the Elven campaign against the evil Osauron bin Leadfoot.
I agree. LOTR movies are rubbish.
and theteak would know, he's fairly clever
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