The Continuing Story Of Bungling Benny
John Howard is shocked by Muslim anger at recent comments made by the Pope (before reading on, please check out 'Pope Same As Hitler' from last Saturday). "We should take a deep breath on these things and all have a sense of proportion. We seem to be living in a world where people have no sense of proportion," he told the ABC's Lateline program. "OK, they don't like what was said. I'm sure the Pope was not intending to attack Islam. He's expressed his regrets, and I think we should really move on."
I love the fact that the West gets labelled insensitive to Islam while the Ayatollah confuses branches of Christanity. The Pope is Roman Catholic, while Bush is Southern-Evangelical-Compassionate-Conservative-Baptist-Somethingorother. And to think News In Briefs once criticized Catholicism for being long-winded.
In a move that almost guarantees me a fatwah, I'm going to call Ayatollah Khamenei a lunatic with no real grasp of western politics or religions, a man who is prepared to take on the USA with their (maybe) one nuke. Fool.
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