Friday, October 27, 2006

Sad FM

 One of our local radio stations just finished yet another countdown. This time it was the best 2006 songs of all time. And so, after weeks of drivel we’re presented with the top 20 (“top” being loosely related to best at best).
 See the finalists here:

 I personally think number 13 is the best. What do you think?

 ***It’s a Friday Survey!!!***



At Friday, October 27, 2006 12:31:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Billy Joel - Piano Man is probably my most favourite, though there is definitely some classics in there.

I have to ask, though, WTF with silverchair - Tomorrow... it's not a great song, it's very immature, poorly constructed and lacking in musical ability... silverchair have done some fantastic songs, but I'm seemingly one of very few people that think their 'rise to fame' track is a steaming pile of shit.

At Saturday, October 28, 2006 2:28:00 pm, Blogger Theteak said...

That countdown is basically made up of songs that have been used in beer ads, rugby league ads and ads for flannos.

At Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:04:00 am, Blogger Steve said...

yeah, tomorrow is alright if you're listening to a rockfm station on holidays and you have no tapes with you. then it's okay. but best songs ever? nope. theteak has got it right. funnily enough, thats the market kofm cater for

At Monday, October 30, 2006 1:53:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

was desperado on there somewhere?
i love that song!


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