Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Props 1

Props to for these. Not sure about the floor business.

AL GORE VIRUS - Causes your computer to just keep counting and counting.

MONICA LEWINSKY VIRUS - sucks all the memory out of your computer, then e-mails everyone about what it did.

MIKE TYSON VIRUS - quits after one byte

OPRAH WINFREY VIRUS - your 300mb hard drive suddenly shrinks to 100mb and then slowly expands to 200mb.

DR. JACK KEVORKAIN VIRUS - deletes all old files.

ELLEN DEGENERES VIRUS - you can no longer insert disks into your computer.

TITANIC VIRUS - your whole computer goes down.

DISNEY VIRUS - everything in your computer goes Goofy.

PROZAC VIRUS - screws up your ram, but your processer doesn't care.

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER VIRUS - terminates some files, leaves, but it'll be back.

LORENA BOBBIT VIRUS - turns your hard drive into a 3.5 inch floppy.

VIAGRA VIRUS - turns your 3.5 inch floppy into a hard drive.


At Wednesday, May 17, 2006 8:21:00 am, Blogger Andy said...

Funny stuff

REVISED OPRAH WINFREY VIRUS: A Plague besetting the US, especially the bible belt. Symptoms include: A false sense of superiority, Delusions of knowledge re: self help/self improvement, Propensity to purchase bleeding heart nonsense novels about...women and...tom cruise...and plecenta's....and bra burning and God knows what else, A rash which appears looking similar to a 'stamp' affixed with the text 'Oprahs book club' (only reported cases of this on books)


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